Case study

Reptur Brand Challenge


Reptur is a newly established real estate marketing agency. Reptur operates in Turkey, marketing and selling branded residential properties to international investors. Naturally inclined towards global markets with a predominant Russian target audience, the founders of Reptur requested from Oyster a strong brand presence to present to consumers. Therefore, prior to the step of creating a brand identity, comprehensive research and brand strategy were conducted.


The Oyster strategy team first acquainted themselves with the target audience through 1-1 in-depth interviews. They attempted to identify the pain points of the target audience. Findings from customers indicated that they felt their demands and desires were not understood during the investment phase, and throughout the process until the title deed was obtained, their rights and interests were not considered. In fact, customers who had decided to invest in real estate had no concerns about selecting a property to purchase in Istanbul. Almost every real estate marketing agency was showcasing the same branded housing projects, offering them at similar prices, and negotiating on the same terms. The issue was to feel understood and assured that their interests were being protected. The Oyster strategy team suggested branding Reptur around a unique personality and positioning it as a brand that ensures its customers’ demands are clearly understood and their interests are safeguarded throughout all purchase processes. Reptur’s core mission was to open doors for its customers, and the brand character was established as an ambassador.


After a symbolism workshop where Oyster’s creative team focused on the capabilities and talents of the ambassador character, they concentrated on two images that could form the unique identity of the brand. The first one was an irregular pentagon symbolizing the roof of the property. The second one was determined to be the representation of the door opened by the “Ambassador.” The “Ambassador” character, being a figure that facilitates the flow of information, promises to address the pain point in customer insight. The combination of these two images formed the emblem of the Reptur brand, with the first letter “r” of the logo. Thus, while establishing a direct connection between the roof image and the real estate category in which the brand operates, the door opening image brought to life the essence of the brand positioning, providing benefit and trust to the customer.

Additionally, the “Istanbul” theme, which no other competitor had used, was utilized in the brand’s motto. Recognizing this gap, the strategy team determined Reptur’s motto as “Born in Istanbul,” implying that Reptur opens the door to Istanbul for its customers.

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Meet Reptur Film

What do our clients say about their transformations?

Cansın Albayrak

Founder of Reptur Real Estate Platform

“The Oyster team was very focussed and detail orientated at every stage of the project. We never missed a deadline and achieved very satisfactory results.”

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